Priority Countries
The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global dataset on terrestrial and marine protected areas, incorporating the official UN List of Protected Areas. The data in the WDPA is compiled in collaboration with a wide range of governmental and non-governmental organisations that submit protected area data to UNEP-WCMC.
UNEP-WCMC aims to obtain updated data for all countries and territories in the WDPA at least every five years. As one of the benefits of Proteus, Partners can nominate three countries per year as priorities for update in the WDPA. When a country is nominated, this catalyses a process through which UNEP-WCMC takes additional measures to obtain updated data. The request for nominations will be accompanied by narrative feedback on progress made towards updating the data for countries nominated in the previous year, and a factsheet summarising WDPA data updates for all countries nominated by Proteus Partners.